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The days before a marathon can be very stressful, especially for runners who are making their debut in the distance. In this article I am going to give you 10 tips for your first marathon, Especially for the days before and for the day of the race.

Preparing for a marathon requires a good training plan; a training plan adapted to the objective pursued in the race, previous experience in marathon distance, state of form, age... There are many factors that can be important when determining the most appropriate preparation to face a marathon with guarantees.

We are going to assume that you have completed the preparation and that, therefore, you arrive with your homework done in the days prior to your big date with the 42,195 kilometers. Behind you have left months of training, sacrifice and effort. The day for which your legs have traveled hundreds of kilometers is approaching, the day that seemed far away in time and that now you see so close.

You must be optimistic and think that all the hours and all the kilometers of effort and dedication are going to pay off, but It is important that you do not make last minute mistakes (in the last days and on the day of the race) that could compromise the work done for months. Below I am going to list 10 tips for your first marathon that will help you avoid making mistakes.

The first of the tips for your first marathon: rest and disconnect the days before

In the days before the marathon you should try don't stress your body anymore and give priority to rest and disconnection.

If you have been rigorous and constant with the preparation, you have to be confident and seek peace of mind. It is the time of Tapering or set-up. You have to change the “I have to get up to train” by “I have to sleep more”; forget the gym and visit the physio to give you a muscle relief massage on your legs; Dedicate time to family or leisure and don't think about training anymore.

10 tips for your first marathon offered by coach Marcos Greus.
The marathon does not begin as some say from Km32, but from the moment you cross the starting arch.

Every runner wants to arrive in the best possible performance conditions on the big day and to help you I offer you 10 tips for your first marathon. These tips for the days before and on the day of the race are valid for any runner, also for beginners:

  1. Don't train anymore.
  2. Study the weather forecast.
  3. Avoid staying cold on the way out.
  4. If you can, train at the same time as the test.
  5. Avoid excessive carbohydrate loads the days before.
  6. Eat and drink what you have trained.
  7. Follow the rhythms you have planned and trained.
  8. On race day nothing is improvised and nothing is released.
  9. Pay attention to small details.
  10. Your fans must wait for you in the final ten kilometers.

Don't add last minute training

1. Do not train more than planned by your coach. The sessions, competitions, lengths or series that you did not do are already behind you and it is not the time to recover them. Don't think about what you “could have done.” In the week before, additional training will not make you perform more or better on the day of the marathon; however, one session less may do the trick. The really important thing now, when you are just a few days away from the big date, is to arrive rested at the start. Trust what you have trained!

2. Check the weather forecast and temperature in the city where you are going to run. It is important that you know what the average temperature is at the start time and what temperature it will reach during the race (in the Valencia marathon, for example, in the month of December the average temperature at the start is 9º). -13º, reaching 17º-20º maximum). It is also advisable that you take into account the relative humidity or if there is a forecast of rain to avoid surprises.

The humidity thing is not nonsense because for a person used to training in a dry climate it can be a significant handicap to run a marathon in a more humid city or region since it will require a special hydration strategy. I'll give you a concrete example: if you live in a dry region and decide to run the Valencia marathon, which is a city with an average relative humidity of 60%-63%, I recommend that you raise your hydration levels 2-3 days before the race at 2-3 liters per day.

10 tips for your first marathon 1
Participants in the Palma Marathon.

3. Avoid staying cold on the way out. Don't forget some clothing to keep you warm until the moment you start or until you have warmed up a few kilometers after starting to run. There are races in which it is possible to get rid of these clothes at the start or even later and that have a charitable purpose, as the organization of the Valencia marathon does, which collects all these clothes and donates them to an NGO.

4. Train at the same time as the marathon. If possible, it is recommended that you train at the same time that you are going to have to run on race day. Our body is like a “repetition machine”, capable of adapting and memorizing any routine. If due to personal or work circumstances you cannot train at the time of the test, go out for a light jog of between 20 and 30 minutes the day before the race, at a time similar to the start of the test; This way you will get your body activated the next day without problems.

5. Avoid excessive carbohydrate loads in the previous days. The belief is too widespread that it is essential to gorge on carbohydrates 48 hours before running a marathon. My advice is to avoid excessive and uncritical 'carbohydrate loads' in the days before. It has been shown that these diets are not as effective as was believed and that can cause gastrointestinal problems to many runners and runners.

Start race day with your regular breakfast (not a breakfast with “extras” for the race) and do not leave your stomach empty until 90 minutes before to start running. Bring something to eat and drink until there are 90 minutes left before departure and this way you will avoid feeling hungry or feeling 'empty' or 'lacking strength'.

Protecting yourself from the cold at the start is one of the tips for your first marathon that Marcos Greus offers you
An old remedy to maintain body heat and not get cold on the way out is to use plastic bags as a poncho. (Photo Marathon of Europe).

On race day don't improvise with the alimentation, hydration or rhythm

6. Eat and drink what you have trained. One of the most important tips I can give you for your first marathon is to

the day of the race you don't have to improvise with thelimentation and hydration. Repeat the supplies you have rehearsed in training; stick to what you know has worked well for you in training and don't make last minute changes. The marathon is a race that is very tiring and pushes you to the limit, so you cannot allow yourself "experiments" that you do not know how they will affect your performance.

Something that I consider important to note is that many marathons have a sports hydration/nutrition brand as a sponsor or collaborator and they offer their products at the aid stations. Find out what that company is and try if those products work well for you, if you intend to use them in the race. Otherwise, continue with your personal supplies and do not eat or drink more or less than what you have planned, trained and assimilated.

It is quite common to want to eat more than necessary hoping to perform better or, on the contrary, not reach the recommended intake due to the nerves and anxiety generated by the marathon. Eat when you are not hungry and drink before thirst appears It is the key to not having energy and/or hydration problems.

One of the main tips for your first marathon is to eat and drink only what you have trained for
Don't experiment withlimentation and hydration on race day. (Photo Meia Maratona do Douro Vinhateiro)

The marathon begins when crossing the starting arch, not at Km30

7. It is ESSENTIAL to follow the planned and trained rhythms and/or heart rate. You are facing a race of several hours, so you have to think that the sensations you have at kilometer 5 may be very different from those at kilometer 25. Try to be very rigorous in monitoring your rhythms and/or heart rate. planned and trained for the race; Do not get carried away by the pace of other runners because the race is very long and you will lose control (relative) of fatigue.

Among the tips for your first marathon, I also consider it important to tell you that you have the very cold head in the first kilometers of the race to avoid sudden changes in pace that usually occur in the first 3-4 kilometers. Those sudden changes of pace can wear you down more than you imagine and take their toll on you in the end. Focus on running at the pace you have planned from the start and don't mind being passed by other participants on the right or left; you have to do your race from start to finish.

It is a very common mistake in the first kilometers to run at a faster pace than expected, either due to nervousness, the excitement of the marathon, or the effect of the tapering, etc. These excesses, once the race is advanced, can cause a situation of excessive exhaustion with many kilometers to go. This state is not reversible and there is no other alternative than to lower the intensity and not lose focus on arrival.

The marathon does not start at Km30, as they say; What you do from Km1 already conditions everything that will happen later. The marathon begins when you pass through the starting arch: keep this idea as one of the main tips for your first marathon.

10 tips for your first marathon 2

8. Don't improvise or try anything new. Don't experience race day! This is one of the most important pieces of advice for your first marathon that I can give you and you will surely have heard it from all the trainers or coaches in the world.

the day of the race You should NOT wear brand new sneakers, socks, pants, t-shirt... Of course, You should NOT try new isotonic and/or energy drinks; Don't try any radical diets in the last few days (even if so-and-so or so-and-so did wonderfully in a previous marathon).

Another piece of advice for your first marathon that I consider necessary to highlight is the importance of not doing training with new teammates the week before the race (I have seen this many times in my years as a trainer). Absolutely everything must be tested at least 15 days before.

Tips for your first marathon, practical aspects of great importance

9. Pay attention to the small (big) details. Among the tips for your first marathon I also find it interesting to point out practical aspects which may seem of little importance but they have a lot of importance in a 42 kilometer race.

To begin with, pay attention to your feet and take care of them during the week before the race. As a first measure, I would tell you that the days before the race, wear comfortable shoes to avoid chafing or blisters that could bother you on the day of the marathon. If you have to cut the nails, let it be four or five days before the race (never the day before). And he also thinks about the scratches; If you are prone to it, you can use Vaseline but only on the specific areas of the foot where friction is generated (do not abuse Vaseline on your feet or other parts of the body because it is not absorbed and can cause increased sweating).

More tips for your first marathon: anticipates any inclement weather, prepare everything in time the day before and don't leave things for the last minute (such as placing your number, preparing your supplies or preparing the clothes you are going to run in), go ahead and get your number (if it is the same day as the race), avoid stressful situations and use Vaseline sparingly for critical chafing points (armpits, groin...).

Lastly, Don't worry if you can't sleep the night before (it is very common and does not only happen to beginner runners), since the important rest is a night's sleep 48 hours before.

10. Ask your "supporters" to wait for you after Km32. Up to Km25 the marathon is “easy”. From Km25 to Km32 you will face the hardest part on a physical level. From Km32 onwards the countdown and the psychological marathon begin. If you have supporters individuals (family, friends, club mates...), ask them to be within the last 9-10 kilometers to give you the necessary moral support. The applause and encouragement from familiar faces along with the visualization of reaching the finish line will push you to success, for sure.

Receiving encouragement in the final part is one of the tips for your first marathon
The encouragement of family and friends to reach the finish line is greatly appreciated in the final part of the route (Photo Palma Marathon).

I hope these 10 tips for your first marathon are useful to you.

Marcos Greus is an experienced coach and trainer and offers you 10 tips for your first marathon.
Marcos Greus, author of this article, is an experienced coach and physical trainer specialized in long distance.

Health and kilometers!!!!

Enjoy of running and completing training (if you have sports goals that require it) in summer may seem difficult, but it can be done. Running in summer without problems is possible as long as we apply good sense and take some precautions.

We have already lost count of the very hot days (heat waves occur more and more frequently) that we have been suffering this summer and those of us who live in coastal areas (in Valencia, as is my case), in addition, we have to dealing with the humidity, which still makes everything a little more difficult when it comes to running.

In this article I am going to offer you a series of tips or recommendations on how to train in summer. Many runners in Spain, especially those with sports goals in the second half of the year (Berlin marathon, Lisbon marathon, Majorca marathon, the Porto marathon, the New York marathon, the Athens marathon or the Valencia marathon, among other major events that are usually attended by many Spaniards) have to run in the summer to continue planning their training sessions.

Running in summer: recommendations for optimal and safe performance

Summer is a time of the year in which many runners take the opportunity to take their training to the aire free, enjoy the sun and good weather (as long as the thermometer does not go off and the supposed good weather turns into a curse). Running in the summer airBeing free in the countryside, the beach, the mountains or the parks of any city is a satisfaction that sometimes we cannot afford in winter and we try to take advantage of during the summer months or on vacation.

The high temperatures and Sun exposure can present additional challenges to run in summer. To ensure optimum performance and stay safe during the hottest months it is essential to make certain adjustments in training and take certain precautions.

Below we are going to see a series of recommendations to avoid possible risks and dangers (dehydration, burns, heat stroke, poor performance...), to continue enjoying the running and summer training.

Follow these 10 tips for running in summer

1. Choose the hours well: early in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Avoid doing workouts in the hottest hours of the day, usually between 10:00 a.m. and 18:00 p.m.; In some parts of Spain, especially in mountainous or high altitude areas, it is possible to train before 18:18 p.m., but in coastal areas, and especially on hot and/or humid days, it is better to wait for the temperature to drop after 19:XNUMX p.m. XNUMXh or XNUMXh.

It is important to choose well the hours to run in summer.
Jaume Albarañez, author of the article, running first thing in the morning.

Opt to train early in the morning or late afternoon, when temperatures are cooler and there is less exposure to the sun (and also solar radiation is less harmful).

2. Hydrate.

Proper hydration is essential to run in summer without exposing yourself to unnecessary risks.

There are people who do not give due importance to hydration and it is a huge mistake. If you go running in summer, do it always, always, with agua. There can be no excuses with this issue because it is much easier than it seems to suffer from dehydration (intense heat + insufficient fluid intake = dehydration). In addition, we must bear in mind that even if we do not feel thirsty, we must drink regularly to avoid scares, since sometimes you may not feel thirsty and be at risk of dehydration.

Include in your day to day a greater contribution of mineral salts during the summer as heat and sweat can lead to rapid dehydration. Be sure to drink sufficient water before, during and after of your training sessions (I want to underline the "before" and also the "after", because hydration is not important only during physical exercise).

Proper hydration is essential for running in summer.
Sete Cerdán, corridor of 42K, hydrating.

When you go out to train take a bottle of water with you and, in case of doing a long run or training in the mountains, plan your routes to pass by sources or places where you can refill your bottle.

consider bringing isotonic drinks to replenish lost electrolytes, especially if you plan to train for a longer duration.


2. Equip yourself appropriately: light clothing and a hat. 

Running in summer with the right clothes is something that seems obvious, but on more than one occasion I have seen people running in the middle of summer in long leggings, sweatpants, cotton t-shirts that do not allow perspiration...

Choose breathable and light-colored sportswear which helps you stay cool and quickly dries sweat. It may seem silly but light colors will help you feel less hot during your workouts. There are studies that state that there can be a difference of between 8º and 10º between light and dark clothing; light clothing is usually around 35º during the practice of running, while dark colored clothing can reach 43º.

In addition, I also consider it important to wear caps (highly recommended to reduce head temperature), visors and, of course, sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays.


3. Wear sunglasses.

La use of sunglasses It is of great importance for running in summer. Unless you train in hours of low light, the use of sunglasses is highly recommended. In addition to protecting your eyes from ultraviolet rays, they will also protect them from eye fatigue, dryness due to loss of moisture and unforeseen dangers that can cause discomfort or injury to your eyes: insects, sand, tree branches, stones fired by a vehicle...

Wearing sunglasses is highly recommended for running in summer.
The ultra-distance runners Iván Penalba and Carmen Pérez used the polarized glasses 42K during his recent participation in the Badwater 135. (Photo Joaquín Candel)

En 42K They have different models of sports glasses designed exclusively for running that you can know in your Online store.


4. Protect yourself from the sun.

It is important to protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation (UV) throughout the year, but in summer it is especially important because the level of intensity of ultraviolet radiation is higher (even on cloudy days you have to take precautions). The sun's ultraviolet rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so avoid exposure to the sun without adequate sun protection during that time slot.

I'm not going to lie to you: putting on sunscreen is not something I am excited about, but I consider it essential and non-negotiable. Skin protection must be taken very seriously and there is no other choice but to use a good sun cream to prevent something as serious as skin cancer.

Don't skimp on sunscreen for summer runs and, if you can, use one sunscreen special for sports use that is Waterproof and sweat; apply a generous amount to all exposed areas of the skin (don't forget the ears and lips, although for lips you can use specific products so they do not dry out) before going for a run and reapply every two hours, especially if you sweat a lot .

Using protection cream is very important for running in summer.
The athlete Elena Loyo running with La Concha beach (San Sebastián) in the background.

La OCU indicates that, as a minimum, it is necessary to use protective creams with a protection index 15 (SPF 15), but recommends, like all the experts, to use sun creams with a higher protection index. To stay calm and know that we will be adequately protected, it is convenient to use cream with a sun protection factor (SPF) from 30 to 50 (high protection) in the case of clear skins y sun protection factor +50 (very high protection) in the case of very light or kids skin.

The cream should not be put on when going for a run; you have to apply it 30 minutes before sun exposure, so that sunscreens are absorbed by the deepest layers of the skin and thus fulfill their role of protection.

Proper sun protection helps prevent burns and reduces the risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer cases have increased alarmingly in recent decades. According to 2022 data from the World Health Organization, each year there are between 2 and 3 million new cases of skin cancer.


5. Warm up and stretch.

Since the heat can cause the muscles to be more tense, it is highly recommended to perform a good proper warm up before running.

Performs joint movements y dynamic stretches soft to prepare your body. After your workout, when 8-10 hours have passed, take time to stretch again to improve flexibility and reduce risk of injury, and don't forget to hydrate. I insist once again on the importance of hydration, especially in summer, also when you are not training.

A good warm-up is essential for running in summer.
Jaume Albarañez doing warm-up exercises prior to a training session.


6. Progressive adaptation.

If high temperatures are new to you, use common sense and allow your body to gradually adjust to the heat. Start with shorter workouts and lower intensities and as you feel more comfortable, increase the duration and intensity of your sessions.

Listen to your body. Pay attention to the signals your body is sending you during training. If you feel dizzy, nauseated, or experience cramping, stop the activity and find a cool place to recover.


7. Plan your routes.

Route planning is especially recommended in case we plan to go for a run in the mountains or countryside. Choose routes that have shade and that they are well ventilated. Parks or trails in wooded areas can be ideal options for running in the summer.

If you plan to go out on a mountain route, calculate very well the time it can take to complete it to have enough water.


8. Train with company.

Running in the summer in a group is more fun to forget about the heat. In addition, training with a company can be safer and more motivating during hot days since, in case of an emergency, you will always have help nearby.

Training in company is recommended for running in summer.


9. Slow down.

Slow down your training paces and try to train by pulsations to have control at all times of how the heat affects your body.

In summer the temperature of the airand causes body temperature to rise. When the body temperature is higher the heart is forced to beat faster in order to pump harder and send more blood through the skin (which means less blood to the muscles, which increases the heart rate). ).

The heat can affect your performance, since in summer the heart rate rises quite a bit, so don't worry about your pace. Listen to your body and accept that during the summer it is normal for your speed to be a little lower. In summer, less is more.


10. Post-workout cold shower.

At the end of your session, take a shower with cold water to lower body temperature and help muscle recovery.


And here are my 10 tips for running in summer without problems. I want to remember that each person is different, so it is important to adjust these recommendations to your needs and physical conditions.

In summer we must listen to the body more than ever to be able to enjoy the running in a safe and healthy way.

With adequate training and the necessary precautions, you will be able to maintain your level of physical fitness, enjoy the aire free and make the most of the summer.

Don't stop running in summer, but do it with your head.

Happy kilometers of running in summer!

The athlete Jaume Albaranez offers in this article a series of recommendations when choosing technical clothing to start running. In a previous article he explained the aspects to take into account when choosing sneakers to get started in the world of running, while a future article will address the topic of technological gadgets.

For anyone who has been running for some time, it is easy to select or choose technical clothing to start running. But for someone who is starting out, it is not so easy to know what it is necessary to take into account to get the technical garments right.

The runner and physical trainer Jaume Albaráñez helps you know what to look for when choosing technical clothing to start running.

Technical clothing to start running, comfort as the first premise

Have a clear idea of ​​the technical clothing that is necessary to get started in the running It may seem like a very complex topic and for which a "doctorate" is required, but that is not the case.

To begin with, I would like to make it clear that for someone who takes their first steps in the running (or in any sport) a fundamental premise when choosing the material should be "the comfort". Any material used for running has to be comfortable, especially when starting out in the world of running. running and you have to get used to many new things.

Comfort should be the main requirement to choose the technical garments used for running. Technical clothing to start running does not have many mysteries: technical shirt, pants or skirt and socks are the basic elements. To this we could also add sunglasses as a necessary element of protection for running outdoors. airand free.

Light, breathable and quick-drying technical t-shirt

Is any shirt worth to start running? Well, in theory yes, but it is recommended that it be a technical fabric shirt that meets three characteristics:

The first premise of technical clothing to start running should be comfort.
Jaume Albaranez with the technical shirt 42K Electric, a 100% recycled limited edition garment.

Until the 80s of the last century, running shirts were made of cotton. But with the advent of technical fabrics made with polyester, most sports brands stopped using cotton. Cotton T-shirts have, as their main drawback, that they quickly get wet with sweat and increase their weight because the sweat does not dissipate.

The technical fabric made with polyester offers breathability that cotton does not offer. And the breathability (which is the ability of a textile material for water vapor to pass through it) is a very important feature for any garment used for running; At rest, the human body produces about 0,75 L of water per day in the form of steam, but when we carry out intense activity such as running, that number skyrockets.

In addition, the technology allows the application of treatments to the polyester to favor the dissipation of moisture and speed up the drying of the shirt. Such is the case of technical shirts 42K that have the Dry-Tec+ treatment.

El DryTec+ treatment directly affects the breathability of garments. This technology is responsible for managing the moisture produced by the body, generating rapid evacuation to the outside and rapid evaporation.

Technical clothing to start running should be light, breathable and quick-drying.
The Olympic athlete Elena Loyo with the women's shirt Ozone Daylight de 42K.

The use of a technical shirt that guarantees good breathability and quick drying is very important when running, especially when the duration of the activity, be it training or a race, is long.

Something that many people do not know when they start in the running is that a poor choice of t-shirt can end up causing an unpleasant and painful experience if it causes chafing (skin irritations caused by friction with the fabric, seams, labels...). Rare is the runner who has not ever suffered the discomfort of a chafing, which is not usually forgotten when it is suffered during a competition and there is no choice but to resign and grit one's teeth until reaching the finish line.

Tips to prevent annoying chafing

To minimize the risk of chafing, you must use appropriate technical garments because, in addition to providing comfort and convenience during sports, they are designed to prevent friction or discomfort that may lead to the dreaded chafing. It is very important that, as a first step, they are made with light fabrics that guarantee good breathability.

In the case of t-shirts, in addition, it is necessary to pay attention that they comply with these characteristics:

Initiation 2/3. Technical clothing to start running 3
Image in which you can see the label printed on the inside of the t-shirt of a t-shirt from the collection Ozone 42K.

Well-fitting and specific socks running

Socks are another of the important sections in the choice of technical clothing to start running. It is common to think that any sports sock is good for running and it is not. Inadequate socks (even if they are sports) can give us problems, especially if we run regularly or do high intensity training or high mileage.

It's not nonsense (and I say this from my own experience): a poor choice of socks is almost a guaranteed guarantee of irritation, chafing or even blisters. The feet are one of the parts of the body that anyone who wants to enjoy the outdoors has to take care of the most. running and that is why the correct choice of socks is very important as part of the technical clothing to start running.


Socks are part of the necessary technical clothing to start running.
Black model from the collection of technical socks for running Ingravity.

The technical socks of running are done with synthetic fibers (polyester, lycra, nylon, spandex...) that guarantee good moisture evacuation. I do not recommend the use of cotton socks because, like T-shirts, they retain sweat; It is also not advisable to use merino wool socks for running (material used for winter cycling socks) because it is true that they insulate from the cold, but they do not offer good perspiration and sweat drainage.

What should we look for when choosing running socks? When choosing socks for running The following aspects must be taken into account:

Ingravity, Etna and Makalu, the technical socks of running de 42K

En 42K They have three models of exclusive socks for running: Ingravity, Etna and Makalu.

technical socks Ingravity 42K are made from VAPORFEEL PURE®, a high-quality material with bactericidal action that stands out for its resistance to abrasion and keeps feet dry during physical activity by transporting moisture to the outside. In addition to being a thermoregulating and quick-drying material, VAPORFEEL PURE® eliminates 100% of bacteria on the skin thanks to its bactericidal action. This bactericidal action prevents discomfort and bad odors that can cause bacteria and fungi.

A good sock is essential in the selection of technical clothing to start running
Detail of the mesh area on the instep of the Green model from the technical socks collection Ingravity.

technical socks Etna It guarantees a great level of comfort for running at any time of the year thanks to its excellent moisture wicking and breathability properties. They are made with the Meryl® Skinlife system and chitin thread. The Meryl® Skinlife system is ideal for any type of clothing that comes into direct contact with the skin. Its properties guarantee that the feet remain fresh thanks to its ability to transport moisture to the outside and quick drying. The Chitin thread is present on the toecap and on the heel and has an antimicrobial effect.

Socks are a very important aspect of technical clothing to start running.
Etna Gray 16cm model.

technical socks Makalu They offer everything necessary to satisfy any runner, from beginner to beginner: lightness, softness and, thanks to the Coolmax® system, excellent sweat evacuation. The Coolmax® system is known for its efficiency in transporting moisture to the outside, making the garment dry more quickly.

And here is the review of technical clothing to start running. As a summary and as a conclusion, I want to insist on the recommendation to use technical clothing to start running that is comfortable but always with the guarantee of meeting the requirements of lightness, breathability and suitability.

Satisfaction survey 2024

En 42K We value your opinion very much.

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And as proof of this, there you have it Motion, Dual Flow: Dash, the new ones Ingravity2, etna2 y Low Run. In addition to other great projects that we have developed for a whole year and that will soon see the light of day... Dash Woman, Pacer, Wave, 4Track, Stride, Duality…We couldn't be more proud of everything that comes in 2024.
Thank you for being part of 42K!

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42K has strengthened its line of custom sportswear for athletics clubs, sports teams and groups. The store CUSTOM 42K come true any desired design thanks to the advantages of digital sublimation and post-print manufacturing.

The line CUSTOM 42K offers wide catalog of 100% personalized technical garments to satisfy the needs of clubs and sports teams, as well as those groups that want personalized sportswear from the maximum quality.

Any club, team or collective can show off its personalized sports clothing with a exclusive design, with total freedom to choose colors or insert logos, with the possibility of selecting color for the seams and even customindividualizations such as name, number, nick…

Custom line sportswear CUSTOM 42K

In addition, for this 100% personalized clothing line, we offer different premium fabrics, among which stands out the 100% recycled fabric INFINI_TECH which is made with polyester yarn obtained entirely from the recycling of used plastic bottles; The polyester thread of this fabric is produced from small balls called 'chaff', which is the recycled material used plastic bottles are transformed into.

As it could not be otherwise, the INFINI_TECH technical fabric guarantees exceptional lightness and breathability for the production of t-shirts intended for running and athletics.

If you are interested in receiving a quote on the personalized sportswear of the line CUSTOM 42K, you just have to fill in the budget request form.

Personalized sportswear with unique and exclusive designs

The demand for personalized sportswear, with unique and exclusive designs, is increasing because it allows to give visibility to brands and sponsors more effectively.

The line's custom sportswear CUSTOM 42K is designed from scratch, starting from a blank canvas on which our Design team can unleash their creativity or apply any client's request. This allows to bring to life any color, design, gradient, shadow logo or graphic motifor that can be reflected on the different parts of the sports garment.

Custom sportswear for women
The Olympic marathon athlete Elena Loyo with technical garments for women from the line CUSTOM 42K.

What sets the line apart CUSTOM 42K is, on the one hand, the wide catalog available of technical garments for men and women; and on the other hand, the infinite possibilities of customization thanks to the advantages of digital sublimation in full color and post-printing.

Wide catalog of 100% personalized technical garments

The new catalog CUSTOM 42K of personalized sportswear includes numerous technical garments, both for men and women, that can be fully customised.

Among the garments with a men's pattern we find technical t-shirts with short sleeves, long sleeves, straps and sleeveless. The men's garments are completed with shorts of running and with a mesh above the knee. If you want to know in detail, visit the section patterned clothing for men.

Custom sportswear for competition
Set consisting of a tank top and leggings from the men's clothing section.

Garments with a women's pattern, in addition to a short-sleeved T-shirt, long-sleeved T-shirt and tank tops, also include a women's top. running, short leotard and athletic panties. If you want to know in detail visit the section patterned clothes for women.

Personalized sportswear from the catalog of women's technical garments.
The athlete Marta Olmedo with a top running and competition panties.

Also offered unisex garments very useful and versatile technical multisport sweatshirt y tracksuit pants. If you want to know in detail, visit the section unisex patterned garments.

Among personalized sportswear, there are also highly versatile technical unisex garments.
Technical unisex sweatshirt personalized by sublimation.
Unisex sweatpants, another of the personalized sportswear options of the line CUSTOM 42K
Unisex sweatpants with customization.

In order to meet the demands and needs of sports clubs that have children's categories in most of the technical garments that make up the catalog of personalized sportswear 42K there is wide range of sizes. The manufacturing possibilities that we offer include sizes ranging from 4 years to XXL in the case of men and XL in the case of women.

There are numerous options for personalized sportswear in the catalog of CUSTOM Line 42K.
The athlete Irene Peralta with women's technical garments: short tights and short-sleeved T-shirt.

If you have any questions about the different technical garments that we have, you can use the form found on our website and our department CUSTOM will inform you in detail.

Textile sublimation and post-printing clothing, innovation for the realization of personalized sportswear

La textile sublimation is an innovative technique of digital printing on fabric. This technique, which makes it possible to make 100% personalized technical garments without color restrictions, guarantees the permanence of the design (logos, colors, gradients, shields...) since the colors are chemically fused with the fabric.

custom sportswear 42K offers the highest quality and performance.
The runner Roser Mañosa and her teammate Jaume Albaráñez with personalized technical garments for the Metaesport team.

Once transferred, the image or design made by computer is integrated into the fabric and is absolutely imperceptible to the touch. And in addition to leaving no residue, does not increase the weight of the fabric y does not alter its breathability. In this way, any technical garment customized by sublimation preserves all the characteristics of softness, lightness and breathability of the fabric.

Another advantage of sublimation for making personalized sportswear is that allows the entire surface of the garment to be used (with other techniques, customization areas are restricted to the chest and back), including sides, sleeves, neck, etc. And as we have already underlined: no color restrictions.

The line CUSTOM 42K offers three customization options for technical garments

There are three different customization options within the line CUSTOM 42K.

Personalized sportswear for clubs, teams and groups: CUSTOM Line 42K 4


Personalized sportswear for Palma Marathon 2022.
100% personalized technical T-shirt for Palma Marathon.
Personalized sportswear for El Portal de Picos.
100% personalized technical t-shirt for El Portal de Picos.
Personalized sportswear with different options of premium fabrics.
100% personalized technical shirt for the FACV.


Personalized sportswear to equip clubs, teams or groups.
Custom sportswear made for CD Metaesport.

What advantages does the line offer? CUSTOM 42K of custom sportswear?

There are many advantages that the line CUSTOM 42K offers to guarantee clubs, teams and groups the best option of personalized sportswear of the highest quality, but below we detail the most important ones:

Recommendations to keep personalized sportswear in good condition 42K

Personalized sportswear, like the rest of technical garments 42K, requires some special care to extend its useful life. In our blog you can find an article titled How to wash sports clothes to make them last longer in which we offer you a series of tips on how to wash sportswear to prevent it from losing its technical characteristics of breathability, softness or color vibrancy.

Personalized sportswear must be taken care of to extend its useful life.

Following the advice that we offer you in this article will allow you to keep your personalized sportswear in good condition and that it does not deteriorate sooner than is desirable, especially if you use it regularly. if you follow these care and cleaning recommendations, you will extend its useful life and reduce the risk of annoying or unpleasant odors appearing.

However, if unpleasant odors appear in your personalized sportswear, we offer you 3 tricks to eliminate the bad smell in sportswear that can help you to get rid of the bad smell that sometimes appears in the technical garments with which we run or go to the gym.



The bad smell in the technical clothes with which we run or go to the gym is a problem that has a solution. In this article we offer you 3 tricks to remove bad smell from sportswear.

With the passage of time and intensive use, it may be inevitable that sportswear ends up taking on an annoying odor that does not disappear with washing, as many runners well know. This happens because technical garments are made with synthetic materials that are capable of capillarizing sweat to promote perspiration.

There are different remedies to remove bad smell from sportswear, but from 42K We recommend these 3 tricks to remove bad smell from sportswear for being effective and easy to apply.

How to remove bad smell from sportswear?

Sweat is the cause of bad odors in all kinds of clothes, but especially in sports clothes because when doing intense physical activity more sweating is produced.

Why is sweat produced? Sweat is a bodily fluid secreted by the sweat glands that is expelled through the skin as a means of cooling the body known as perspiration. Its composition is mainly water with small amounts of minerals -sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium-, lactic acid and urea.

Sweat, or rather perspiration, is the body's natural mechanism for regulate body temperature, since its evaporation from the skin reduces the temperature. However, sweat fulfills another function, which is to eliminate toxins.

Most often, sweat is produced preferentially armpits, inguinal region, feet and hands, although it can spread to the entire surface of the skin, especially in the face of high ambient temperatures or intense exercise, which produces an increase in body temperature.

3 tricks to remove bad smell from sportswear

If you are an athlete, or not, but you have technical clothes that have a bad smell despite having washed them, take note. Here you have 3 tricks to remove bad smell from sportswear:

  1. Sodium bicarbonate: It is very effective when washing sportswear to neutralize bad odors. Add a small amount (following the manufacturer's directions, although four to eight tablespoons is normal) to the liquid detergent or during the rinse cycle.
  2. White vinegar: There are several ways to use white vinegar to eliminate bad odor. Leave the garments to soak for 30-40 minutes in a bucket or cubeta with one part white vinegar and four parts cold water before washing. Another way to use it is to incorporate it into the cubeta of the detergent during the washing process. The acid in the vinegar helps remove the grease, dirt, and bacteria from the fabric that cause bad odors.
  3. Sal Island: Submerge the garments in a bucket or bucket.beta with lukewarm water in which you must have previously dissolved 3-4 tablespoons of table salt; wait about 30 minutes and then perform a wash.

*Warning: Before proceeding for the first time with any of these 3 tricks to remove odor from sportswear, try one item of clothing first and not your entire load of sportswear to verify that you are doing it correctly.

How to avoid the appearance of bad smell in technical garments?

The bad smell in technical garments that are washed it is a problem that has a solution. As we have just seen, there are different tricks (we have shown you the 3 that we consider to be the most effective and easiest to do at home with products that are available to anyone) to remove bad smell from sportswearAlthough it should also be remembered that there are a series of precautions that will help us avoid or delay the appearance of annoying odors in our sportswear.

Athlete practicing how to remove bad smell from sportswear
Technical fabric requires special care when it is used intensively.

Wash after each use and as soon as possible

As a first measure to avoid the appearance of bad odors in sportswear, it is wash it as soon as possible and always, always, after each use; If you can't wash it right away, you have to airHeat it until it is dry.

In no way should you deposit it wet and/or sweaty in the laundry basket. If we leave it for hours or days in the laundry basket, we will allow the bad smell to have time to permeate.

Another bad idea, very bad, is to leave used clothes (especially if they are sweaty and wet) inside the sports bag because that can lead to mold and mildew formation, which will be the cause of bad odors that will be impregnated in the garments.

We recommend you always wash your sportswear after each use because even if you think you haven't sweated, it's almost certain that you have, especially in areas such as the armpits or the inguinal region.

Eliminating the bad smell in sportswear will not be a concern if you get used to always washing your sportswear after each use and, if possible, without letting a long time pass from when you have used it until the time of washing. Know how to wash sports clothes?

Do not use fabric softener

Another recommendation is do not use fabric softener when washing sports clothes. The softener will prevent the technical fabric from retaining its properties for longer. The fabric softener is the enemy of the treatments that the fabric receives to favor its softness (and reduce the risk of chafing), breathability or color fastening.

The shirts of running 42KFor example, they are made with the latest generation technical fabrics that incorporate specific treatments to promote softness, speed up drying or guarantee durability and vivid colors. These treatments lose their effectiveness with the use of softeners.

Eliminating bad odor in sportswear is possible and within everyone's reach.
Sportswear should always be washed after each use.

In addition, softeners leave a kind of layer or residue on the fibers that retains the bacteria that cause bad odors. This residue accumulates with washing and hinders the effectiveness of water and detergent to remove bad odors from sportswear.

And although it may seem obvious to indicate it, remember that sportswear can be irreversibly damaged if washed with hot water (try to always wash at a maximum of 30º), subjecting it to very powerful spins, putting it in the dryer or ironing it .

As we always say in 42K, our sportswear does not want to know anything about the dryer or the iron.

wash inside out

It is highly recommended wash inside out sports clothing of all kinds: t-shirts, pants, underwear, sports bras...

This has several advantages: firstly, it protects the logos or shields of your club, sponsors, etc.; secondly, a more effective wash is achieved, since the bacteria that produce bad odors are concentrated on the inside of the garments (especially in those areas that are in contact with the armpits, the soles of the feet or the inguinal area ) and the cleaning action of water and detergent is much more direct.

You already know how to remove bad smell from sportswear with 3 simple tricks, but you may also be interested in knowing how to wash sports clothes effectively to keep it in good condition and extend its useful life.

Eliminating the bad smell in sportswear should not be a concern, but you have to know how to act correctly.
Sports socks should always be washed inside out.

Especially if you regularly use your sportswear, we advise you to follow our recommendations to keep them in good condition and to last longer (although nothing is infinite and sportswear also has a limited useful life). Likewise, these cares will help you prevent annoying and unpleasant odors from appearing.

El training it is essential to prepare a good race. However, there are other issues that are decisive to ensure that the experience is satisfactory and the result positive, therefore, if you are a popular runner, you must take into account certain techniques for a good workout and get a perfect race.

Tips and techniques for good training and preparing for a race

The runner who already has experience knows how important it is to have adequate equipment, especially when it comes to runner clothing and to footwear. The technical shirt allows your skin to breathe better than wearing cotton clothing. It is also common to see him in leggings because they are more comfortable than the more traditional running pants.

On the other hand, footwear is one of the most important safety elements of the runner. You should buy the most suitable for each type of soil. If it is a marathon on asphalt you will need a different type of sole than the one you will need if the race is un between of Mountain.

It is important that both the clothes and the sports shoes have already been used on the day of the race. In this way, you will feel more comfortable because the equipment will have already adapted to the runner's body.

When it comes to running in a marathon, it is advisable to know the route before the day of the call. Thus, the runner will be able to measure the effort depending on the difficulty of each section and will better control the times.

The calls that are medium or long distance require a control of the appropriate pace. The participant cannot start at a high pace if he will not be able to maintain it throughout the course. It is convenient for you to leave calmly, at a more conservative pace, to be able to accelerate in the following kilometers.

In races of this type there are usually refreshment areas to attend to the participants. However, it is very important that the runner hydrate during the previous days so that his body is in good condition on the day of the marathon.
Moreover, You should not drink water or any liquid before going out, as this will avoid having a bloated stomach or the urge to go to the bathroom.

A race is prepared in advance and not the days before its celebration. In fact, it is more advisable for the runner to decrease the intensity of the workouts the days before the call to be more rested.
It is also essential that you rest and sleep properly. If your body is well prepared, you can maintain good stress control and the right mindset to face a challenge like that..
Today the running It is very fashionable, but it should be done correctly. Equipment, hydration and nutrition they are essential elements to participate in medium and long distance races. Marathons are races that require proper effort and training.

Next, the effectiveness or not of compression garments, such as compression stockings or tights, is improve the sports capabilities of popular runners and thus increase the sports performance.
For several years now, the use of compression garments has been spreading, not only as sportswear, but also as medical treatment. In sports disciplines such as running or between is used in the form of compression stockings or compression socks / calves. Since the 90's, its use has begun to be applied intensively in sports activities and various studies have begun to emerge on its effectiveness (or not) to improve performance in various disciplines.

Sports performance and use of clothing compression technique 

Several studies affirm that the muscular compression by means of tights or compression pants improves the power of the vertical jump, increases its sports performance. Others have also found that it delays the onset of muscle pain. This is due to the use of compression products reduces the vibration suffered by the muscle when it hits the ground (which then produces the suffered by all, stiffness). By reducing this impact, you will be protecting the muscle so that post-exercise pain will decrease to a great extent. That is, post-exercise muscle recovery will be accelerated and even its use during physical activity itself, for example; through compressive thighs.
There are even physiotherapists and experts who recommend the use of these compressive garments when exercising. By doing so, you are providing the muscles with extra protection, thereby reducing the possibility of injury to them. Furthermore, in the event that an injury has occurred, such as a fiber break; The pressure they exert helps the muscle itself in its healing process and reduces the risk of worsening the injury.
And even its medical use (as previously mentioned; improves venous return) is also suitable for athletes, reducing the amount of blood in our veins and thus reducing muscle edema. In this way, you will be more comfortable when practicing high intensity exercise.
In addition, the use of compression clothing has been shown to have positive effects on muscle oxygenation reducing the stagnation of venous blood (poor in oxygen).
We must also take into account the importance of compression products being made of breathable material, to allow sweat to be eliminated while maintaining muscle temperature.
When going for a run, it is quite common to meet other runners who have decided to use these products, and everything that has been heard about them are positive aspects. Although there are points that still need to be investigated or that are not entirely clear, what is known today is that these types of products represent a great advance in the sports world. And without a doubt, optimize muscle efficiency and decrease post-exercise pain. Therefore, its use is recommended to prevent sports-related pathology and improve sports performance.

Tactical Business Park,
C/ 2B nave 10 46980 Paterna
Valencia Spain

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  • Kits for Clubs: + 34 960 105 985 (ext 213)
  • Events and races: +34 (960)105 969
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