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Some manias and rituals of popular brokers 1

Some manias and rituals of popular runners

by Paco Amoros

When facing the races, the rituals of many popular corridors could be compared to those of the bullfighters before jumping into the ring, which makes for a few anecdotes from popular runners before, during and after the race.

The rituals start hours before, with the last intake, which should be at one hour and consuming some bylimeCertain times, always the same.

technical clothing runningAs the time to compete approaches, the rituals multiply, the same kit with which such a good time was obtained in that race, the Socks green that they gave me too long ago but that are like my amulet, the shoes, first always the right (or the left) and with the perfect knot, made with almost maternal care.

It's time to pick up the dorsal and the chip and they must always be placed in the same position and height, using the same number of safety pins and always with the shirt removed.

And the moment of truth arrives, you have to get ready for the exit, here the popular runner manias multiply: always stand on the right because on this side there are fewer trips, tie the bride's handkerchief or the kid's sock to the wrist, cross yourself or utter a harangue “at the top of your lungs”, and of course, for lovers of the music, have prepared that mp3 with the music to use “only in races”.

The race begins, and you always have to start with the same leg and collect the supplies from the same side. When you finally reach the finish line, step on it with the shoe that carries the chip.

Finally, the manias continue later at home: save the bib, wash the clothing but not the amulets, and so on until the next race, but that will be another similar story, or maybe not ...


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