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Winter is coming: running in the cold 1

Winter is coming: running in the cold

by Paco Amoros

As the Stark family would say from the famous series "Game of Thrones", winter is coming. It is cold, in some areas, very cold and this can minimize the desire to practice the running.

How can we overcome this climatic barrier that will last for months? Is there a way to make a warmer environment so that going for a run is not a sacrifice but a reward?

Running when it's cold can be difficult but it has its advantages: with this weather, more calories are spent, since apart from the effort involved in running, our body has to fight the cold. Therefore, running in winter would help to lose weight and to resist the cold better since our internal thermostat will adapt better.

And it is difficult to run in adverse weather conditions. The cold, the humidity, the negative temperatures, the polar thermal sensations ... are usually windmills to which the / os r we must face. Running is a good way to warm up since when we do it, our thermal perception will be 10th higher than the external temperature, but we may have a series of doubts or are unaware of a series of tools that make life easier for us in winter.



Experts advise dressing in layers in winter; to give us an idea, go like an onion. In contact with our skin, the ideal would be a technical shirt that fits well to our body and absorbs sweat. Therefore, for this we have to banish cotton and synthetic materials such as nylon that will make us sweat a lot without isolating ourselves from the cold. Above this and depending on the cold, we would have to put on another thermal layer of a variable thickness depending on the cold. As we have mentioned before, running increases the thermal sensation by 10º, so when it comes to wrapping up we have to take this into account so that we do not overdress. Finally, garments such as a raincoat or windbreaker are recommended depending on the external conditions. To cover the legs, it is usually enough with some good mayas that cover us. Footwear may not be taken into account, but we must wear shoes that adapt to the weather conditions and the terrain on which we run: good footwear must be asked to keep our feet dry and not slip. It is advisable to wear a number more than ours since if the shoes are tight, it would enhance the cooling sensation.

We do not have to neglect the head and trunk, which are essential when regulating body temperature, so we must cover them to avoid overcooling. Using petroleum jelly on the face and ears is a good measure to protect ourselves.

Special mention deserve the hands. When we run, our bloodstream tugs on our muscles, so the hands often do not get warm. That is why it is advisable to wear gloves. And it is that the distal parts of our body (neck, head, feet and hands) usually account for 70% of the person responsible for the internal cold.

Long, dark and cold months are coming but a good runner will know how to give winter light and color. To run!

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