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The 10 medical benefits of running 1

The 10 medical benefits of running

by Paco Amoros

In an increasingly sedentary world we have to look for reasons to get up from the couch. He running can be an engine that, in addition to rewards of emotional well-being, will give us, as has been more than proven, a series of medical benefits of running that our friends from lovelyrunners.

El running decreases mortality:

How many times have we heard advice to live longer: stop smoking, control your tension, lose weight... All this is true, but to this list of recommendations we could add the prescription of running. And it is proven that running can extend life expectancy in people over 50 years of age by more than one year in men and just over three and a half years in women, comparable to the beneficial effects of quitting smoking, losing weight or control certain cardiovascular risk factors.

El running Improves quality of life:

We live in a mentally ill society where stress, anxiety and depression are a heavy burden for many people. There are studies that show that the practice of running It reduces all these symptoms, being a good complement to give quality to our years of life.

El running improves cardiovascular aspects:

There are no magic remedies that can reduce cardiovascular risk factors. To do this we have to follow a healthy lifestyle where the running becomes a basic link. And it is proven that running reduces the prevalence of coronary heart diseases that have become the main cause of mortality (obesity, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes...). He running Among many things, it reduces the levels of the famous bad cholesterol (LDL), the risk of thrombosis, blood pressure or certain inflammatory markers that cause atherosclerosis and therefore myocardial infarctions.

El running  improves or decreases the risk of diseases such as diabetes:

Running improves our body's tolerance to carbohydrates, which is why it improves glycemic control, insulin sensitivity being an important tool to prevent the development of type 2 Diabetes. Even in diabetics, running is already beneficial which decreases external insulin needs.
El running It is a protective factor against cancer:
We are living longer and longer, so the risk of developing cancer is higher, to which should be added our lifestyle. It seems contrasted that the practice of exercise seems to reduce the incidence of breast, prostate, colon or pancreas tumors. In addition, there are certain currents that defend that they improve the quality of life of patients who are in treatment phases for certain types of cancer.

El running It is a great medicine against obesity:

Obesity is another of the current epidemics. Practice the running It is a perfect means to eliminate excess extra kilos that mentally torture many, but above all physically punish everyone.


El running serves as an antidote to osteoporosis:

At certain ages and especially in women after menopause, bone fragility becomes a problem known as osteoporosis. He running prevents or delays its appearance, promoting bone mineralization and preventing hip fractures.

El running It is a good substitute for certain addictions such as tobacco:

In the habit of running we can find a key ally to overcome the temptation of cigarettes. Furthermore, quitting smoking is blamed for weight gain, which is why running It would counteract this effect, so its physical benefits would be enhanced with the mental ones.

El running It is a balm for our health and mental hygiene:

The habit of running appears to reduce or at least minimize the risk of dementia or cognitive decline in adulthood. Therefore, being part of a society with a greater life expectancy, it seems more than advisable to get into the habit of running.

El running as a natural activator:

Running speeds up our metabolism, improves the level of our skin, promotes the release of endorphins, increases our level of happiness, sexual desire, fights cellulite, improves self-esteem.

We invite you to read what are the psychological benefits of running.


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