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Christmas Excesses

by Paco Amoros

Beat the Christmas excesses

10 keys to burning fat eating.
The key is to eat every daylimelow GI foods. To get it:
1. Always choose the wholemeal or fiber-rich version of the aliment. Whole grain vs. white bread, brown rice vs. white rice, whole grain vs. regular grain, etc.
2. If you need to snack on something, chooselimeLow GI items such as an apple, dried apricots, cherries, four or five freshly shelled walnuts, a carrot, etc. and combine them with a relaxing infusion to calm your anxiety and avoid eating again.
3. Avoid thelimen processed foods and try to make homemade food with low GI ingredients to control what you are eating.
4. Drink water throughout the day to avoid dehydration. Many times we think that we are hungry and what really happens to us is that we are thirsty or dehydrated.
5. Try to drink water with lemon or natural orange juice when you feel like something sweet. If you add a teaspoon of honey and keep it in the fridge, this homemade lemonade will help you avoid sweet drinks that tend to trigger high glucose spikes.
6. Try to take one aliment rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are the good fats that help you lose weight despite their high caloric heat. You find omega-3 in walnuts, vegetable seeds such as chia, flax, and oily fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna, etc. Do not stop taking any of theseliments every day.
7. Dress and cook with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. It is another of the good fats that should not be lacking in your diet every day, a source of oleic acid, not only helps you maintain weight if taken in moderation, it also helps you maintain cardiovascular health and keep you young.
8. Avoid combininglimeHigh GI benefits with alimehigh-fat snacks. By rapidly increasing the concentration of glucose in the blood, more insulin is secreted and the fat molecules pass immediately into the cells without being burned, directly to the love handles. Stay away from dishes like cured meats and sausages with chips, cakes, cookies with butter, pasta with fatty sauces, fatty cheese or sausage sandwiches, meats with sauces and chips, etc.
9. If you are going to eatlimehigh GI foods, combine them withlimeLow-fat snacks such as baked potatoes with fresh cheese, roast potatoes with grilled or steamed meat, spaghetti with vegetables, brown rice with boiled fish.

10. Pick alimeHigh-protein, low-fat snacks at every meal. Proteins help you build muscle if you exercise and increase your metabolism, they also prevent mood swings and depression that appear in low-calorie diets because they keep us alert. pick alimeFoods rich in non-fat proteins such as boiled eggs, French omelettes, grilled or steamed fish, lean meats and grilled poultry, natural yogurts, fresh cheeses, etc.

The Christmas Excesses 1


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