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A runner with good core training is more effective.

Core training for runners

by Marcos Greus

El core training is essential for runners because helps improve physical performance and also to reduce the risk of certain injuries. Strengthening the core is necessary for the correct practice of many sports, but it is especially important for people who run on any surface: track, asphalt, field, mountain...

'Core' is an English word that means 'core' in Spanish. When we talk about core or core we refer to all the muscles of the middle of the body: the abdominal muscles, the hip muscles and what is called the lower back (lumbar, buttocks, pelvis and deep back muscles).

The core area is usually defined as a "muscular band" that supports and supports the whole body. The runners running and trail running They must regularly work their core to run more efficiently and safely.

In this article we explain which muscles are part of the core, the benefits that core training has for runners and four basic exercises to work and strengthen the core without the need for devices or accessories.

Benefits of core training for runners

Core training, and therefore the strengthening of all the muscles that make it up, provides many broker benefits:

Good core training reduces the risk of injury in runners

Why core training can lead to fewer injuries for runners? The answer is very simple: with a strong core you get a greater efficiency in carrying out movements and this supposes run properly and without adopting postures that generate discomfort and even injuries by forcing the improper or inappropriate use of some muscles.

Core muscles properly worked give stability to the body, something that is very important for running since there is never any support with both legs on the ground.

Likewise, core training will allow us to have a better body and postural control both in any daily activity (walking, sitting, standing...) and when running or practicing countless sports in which running is involved.

4 basic exercises to work the core

El coach and fitness trainer Marcos Greus (INEF graduate specialized in high performance) recommends four basic exercises as core training for runners:

  1. Crunch.
  2. Board or iron (plank).
  3. Side plank.
  4. V Basic.

These four exercises allow, from any level, a core training in an easy, simple, effective and safe way.



The Crunch is a basic and classic exercise to work very effectively the abdomen area.

«To do this exercise correctly we must imagine that we want to curl up on ourselves so that the shoulder blades or scapulae they rise slightly from the ground; It is enough to raise this area to about 20º-25º from the ground and then lower it again. "You should not exceed 20º-25º with respect to the ground so that the back, especially the lumbar area, does not suffer.", explains Marcos Greus.

The crunch is a fundamental exercise in core training.
Performing the Crunch.

Table or Plank

The front plate is a isometric exercise, that is, an exercise in which there is no movement but there is muscle tension.

«With this exercise the aim is for the abdominal belt, both in the front and in the back, to be in contraction without movement. In addition, this exercise also works the accessory muscles of the obliques and the transverse abdominis..
It is important to correctly perform this exercise to pay attention to the placement of the shoulders and elbows. "The elbows must stay supported at right angles and perpendicular to the shoulders to prevent the shoulder girdle from suffering», Marcos Greus emphasizes.

The most common mistakes when performing this exercise are arching the back towards the ground or raising the hips above the shoulder line.

The table or plank is a fundamental exercise in core training.
Table or Iron.


Table or Side Plank

It is an exercise based on the plank or front plank that concentrates work on the transverse oblique zone, in addition to the rectus abdominis and lower back. A very common mistake when performing this exercise is usually the excessive arching of the body downwards or upwards.

«It is important when executing the side plank to pay attention to the importance of supporting the elbow correctly so that it is perpendicular to the shoulder and forming a right angle on the floor (as shown in the photo below) to prevent the shoulder girdle from suffering», explains Marcos Greus.

The plank or side plank helps a lot with core training.
Table or side plank.


V Basic

With this exercise the abdomen and lower back are worked, but also balance with the involvement of accessory muscles in the upper area, such as the dorsal y rhomboids, and the part of the legs, like buttocks, ischies y quadriceps.

«For this exercise you need a little more experience because there is greater muscular involvement, but it is an exercise that should be worked on patiently because it provides very good results to the core work group. People who do it for the first time should focus on correct execution without worrying at first about the number of repetitions. In a short time and as soon as you achieve some core toning, you will notice that you are able to execute it more easily.«says Greus.

How to do the training? You have to follow "the rule of 3"

Now that you know how to perform the basic core training exercises for runners, it is time to know how to plan them.

Marcos Greus explains that you have to apply "the rule of 3": 3 sets of 30 repetitions or 30 seconds of action and 30 seconds of rest between sets.

«There are four exercises that if done regularly, they will entail a progressive and effective strengthening of the core. From these four exercises you can continue progressing by increasing the number of repetitions or the time of action, and also including new exercises..

You already know, therefore, the importance of strengthening the core muscles and how to do it correctly without the need for anything more than a mat.

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Marcos Greus Trainer and physical trainer.

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Marcos Greus

Trainer and physical trainer.

Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sports specializing in endurance sports. National triathlon, cycling and swimming coach, as well as long distance specialist coach.
Link to the Marcos Greus website

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