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Adaptation to heat 1

Heat adaptation

by Paco Amoros

I have a bad feeling that this summer is going to take its toll on many runners, triathletes, truck drivers, etc. and I would like to bring a little common sense to the subject.
Depending on our physiological condition, we will better assume high temperatures or vice versa, but it is important that we adapt to it, as far as possible, since all summer competitions are held in very hot hours, either in the morning. or in the afternoon (except at night) and if we have fled from it, we can risk our health in a competition.
When these dates arrive, if our schedule allows it, We try to avoid the hot hours by going out to train very early or at night. It is a good option, you enjoy the start and the training itself more, but there is the disadvantage that our body does not adapt to the heat, or to the real hours of competition. I do not mean by this that we look for 14 hours to train, but yes, that even if we do not like it, we must go out and face him, but being very clear about what we must do to be able to protect ourselves.
I usually sweat a lot when training and in my day to day I do not lack the supplementation of mineral salts and electrolytes, Let's say that I anticipate a possible dehydration, even if it is small, which would later affect me.
A common mistake is to go out without a shirt, thinking that since the sun hits me, I get dark. But it is preferable to cover our trunk, with breathable garments such as those of 42krunning. The rest of the skin that is exposed, always with protection, and the excuse that it leaves my skin sticky is no longer valid, there are very good sun creams, special for athletes and almost more important is the facial. The head must be covered or with a visor or a cap, more important even if you don't have much hair anymore, since the direct sun on the head is too dangerous a source of heat.
Whenever we go outRunning for more than 45 min, it is highly recommended to bring some type of hydration Even if they are 200 ml cans, and if the outlet is long, drink sips in short spaces of time, without thirst, since when the body asks for hydration, it is already late, it has already begun to dehydrate. Hydration should always be conceived in three phases, before, during and after, come on, all day.
Don't take this lightly a lack of hydration can lead to death in extreme cases, as we were able to verify with the ill-fated French triathlete a few months ago.
And lastly, like any adaptation phase, it must be done progressively, starting with soft rhythms and short distances and letting our body adapt little by little, leaving the series and suprathreshold rhythms for less hot hours.


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