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The Duathlon Season begins. Tips for Your Debut

by Paco Amoros

The Duathlon Season begins. Tips for Your Debut 1If the marathon is for the winter and the triathlon is for the summer, spring must be read in a duathletic key. For this reason, we propose a series of "tricks" so that you can make a successful debut in this dual sport. There they go...

The duathlon is the quintessential spring sport. Once you have left behind your winter marathon or half marathon (Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Seville, or maybe Rome...), in the double sport "cycling + athletics" you will find motivation to continue training until summer. For your first duathlon, this is the “harvest of advice” that we have prepared for you…

1) Test the bicycle that you will use on the day of the competition beforehand. The bicycle must be your size, therefore modify all the elements that are necessary for this purpose: saddle height, length of the handlebar stem, handling of the clipless pedals or cleats, etc.

2) On the day of the test, and when placing your bicycle in the box area, try to have some element nearby that allows you to locate it: as, in principle, you cannot leave marks or signs "ex-professo" inside the pit area (towels, marks on the ground, etc.), you will have to use your imagination to achieve this goal. Reference elements can be a lantern or a sign, a stain on the ground or a line of paint on it, a cover on the asphalt, a nearby bicycle painted in a "garish" color. etc You have to look for reference elements that will make it easier for you to find your machine.

3) Put an easy gear or "gear" in the pits, leaving your bike there. This way you will find it easier when taking your first pedal strokes in the cycling segment. And, above all, and so that the chain does not come off when you make your first pedal stroke, ride a few meters before leaving the bicycle in the pits so that when you go to place it in this area, you do so with the starting gear that you want to use correctly. fixed.

4) Don't start too quickly in the cycling segment, and if you can "couple" with a group, even better...

5) If you ride in a platoon and you are not skilled when it comes to driving "in grupetta", place yourself in the last position of the platoon and, if you advance, do so on the left side. Avoid seeing yourself in the center of the "package" as much as possible.

6) In the last meters of the cycling segment try to get to the top of the peloton. This way you will not be hindered in the corridors of the box area when it is time to leave your bike.

7) In the first athletic section, and even if you see that you run faster than the first classified, do not "express yourself" to the maximum. Keep in mind that later, on the bike and in the second run, you will still need your strength.

8) Leave, in the pits, the helmet on the bicycle saddle, or on the handlebars. Without it, you shouldn't and can't compete.

9) Remember that you must leave the bicycle, as required by the regulations, correctly in the pits, and try to ensure that the rest of the elements of the cycling segment that you no longer use in the last running race (helmet, cycling shoes, etc.), You shouldn't leave them lying around "any way." Remember that behind you there are more competitors who must find their boxing area minimally organized and free of elements from other duathletes.

10) Unless you are an expert cyclist, start competing in modality duathlons "sprint" (5 km + 20 km + 2,5 km), and, as you feel good about that distance, you can increase it, and compete, for example, in duathlons (10 km + 40 km + 5 km).

11) Enjoy your duathlon, above all. Unless you are a good competitor in this modality (which is complicated if you are a novice), you already have a framework in foot races to fight for a position or for a time. Now that you are taking your first steps in duathlon, the best thing you can do is enjoy the new sport you are discovering.

12) Participate in duathlons with a flat profile, preferably, or that contain gentle climbs. As you gain experience, you will be able to face more demanding routes.

13) If you still do not want to federate in triathlon, to compete in a duathlon you can get your license for one day. It is mandatory to have some type of license (even if it is of this last modality that we mentioned), so that the insurance company can cover you in case you suffer an accident.



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