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Obesity, a problem of our time 1

Obesity, a problem of our time

by Ishmael Dietitian

Everyone is aware that when the balance between what we eat and what we spend is not adequate, we gain weight in the form of fat and that can generate in the first place overweight and finally obesity. But ... why is this so?
It is very simple: for a matter of mere survival. The human being presents a obese genetics, that is, it tends to accumulate / save energy naturally.
The WHO (World Health Organization) defines obesity as when the Body mass index (BMI, quotient between weight and height of an individual squared) is equal to or greater than 30 kg / m². An abdominal girth greater than or equal to 102 cm in men and greater than or equal to in women is also considered a sign of obesity. at 88 cm.

The human body tends to be "lazy" to save energy

Unconsciously, the human body tends to be "lazy", but it has an explanation: it is to save energy.
Maybe now we find it strange to understand it, but it's a survival issue. The man and woman of a few thousand years ago did not have easy access to one another.limeThey had daily nutrition and were sometimes forced to go days and days without eating, so they had to survive on the reserves that their body had stored.
When they had access to food, they tried to eat as much as possible to accumulate reserves and be able to survive in case of facing days and days without food.liments.
Today, in developed countries, there is daily access tolimentos and it is not necessary to have that accumulation of energy "in case we do not eat in several days".
Obesity, a problem of our time 2
And the problem arises when we eat an excess of calories and our body continues to accumulate fat that is not going to be consumed in a time of "lean times", because such a time is not going to come.

Risk of serious illness

So, if fewer calories are constantly used than ingested, it results in being overweight that can end up causing obesity; and obesity is a risk factor that predisposes to cardiovascular diseases, d, hyperuricemia, hepatic steatosis, etc.
We are therefore facing a characteristic of our organism that for thousands of years was perfect, since it was necessary to accumulate energy to spare when hunting or gathering and there was a risk of not having access toliments over long periods of time. By the way, thanks to this quality the human being continues to exist and you can be reading this text.

Diets and gyms

To combat this "problem" that we have with genetics, something has emerged that, seen from the anthropological point of view, is absurd:

Our degree of evolution has led to super sedentary jobs, traveling in vehicles, consumption oflimeUnhealthy but delicious snacks, quick meals due to lack of time, etc.
Adding physical inactivity with bad alimentation arises the problem of obesity. Obesity can already be considered as a pandemic in developed countries. Many people who suffer from it resort to trainers and dietitians, two professions that have been incorporated into the wide world of health.

Overweight must be fought withlimehealthy eating and exercise

Thus, in our time it is considered a problem that excess food or lack of exercise involves the generation of fat in the body, but it must be considered, as previously indicated, that this has allowed the human species to perpetuate itself.
Avoiding your problems is very simple: eat healthy, without frequent excesses, and lead an active life which involves doing physical activity regularly.
Obesity, a problem of our time 3
We hope with this post we have achieved something different than with the previous ones: we have not tried to educate, but to make you think and rethink about the reason why we consider the body so “bad” for creating fat so easily. We have achieved it?
Obesity, a problem of our time 4
Ismael Martinez Garcia
Collegiate Number CV00678
Master in Nutrition as a pillar in performance in endurance and ultra-endurance sports.
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