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You feel identified?

by Paco Amoros

You feel identified? 1THE “PRO” THAT DOES NOT IMPROVE

You have been running for more than 10 years, at first you improved very quickly, the times in 10 km were coming out, the half marathon no longer have secrets for you ... but you hit the "wall" in the marathon. Here are four points to avoid if you want to enjoy even the last 195 meters of the marathon.

1 Sessions of more than 15 km in the last two weeks
You need at least 15 days to recover from the marathon preparatory training and thus be able to face it with rested and fit legs. Do not do sessions of more than 15 km at marathon pace in the previous two weeks or you will compete fatigued. And please, let's forget once and for all about running more than two hours in a row in a workout. The error comes from someone finding out that Chema Martínez or another professional is filming 35 km long and trying to do the same. The difference is that Chema finishes it without problems in less than two hours and a popular one does not lower than three with what he runs the marathon before doing the marathon. A beating that only leads to disaster.

Do this:
The previous months you need a very long shoot every 2 or 3 weeks, starting at an hour and a half and going up to two hours. Of this time you do a third very slow, a third at your marathon pace and the other third 10 ”faster than your marathon pace.

2.Only one weekly workout faster than your expected marathon pace.

Improvements in speed translate into improvements in endurance, but it's hard to improve speed if you only do one fast session per week.

Do this:

From 2 to 3 fast starts per week, with series at your best competition pace of 3.000, 5 km and 10 km, in distances between 800 (at a 3 km pace), 1.500 (at a 5 km pace) and 2.500-3.000 meters (at 10 km pace).

3rd do VO2 max work

Working your maximum oxygen consumption will raise your anaerobic threshold and improve running economy.
Do this:

Fast series of 400 and 800 meters, at strong rhythms (your maximum speed in 3 km) and very strong (your maximum speed in 1500 meters). They work intramuscular and intermuscular coordination and should be done in the first phases of marathon training, every 10 to 15 days and once a week in the last eight weeks before the marathon.

4.Too much non-specific strength training.

Your visits to the gym focus on the weight room, with very general upper body and lower body toning workouts - the same plan as everyone else.
Do this:
Start your preparation with six weeks of full-body strength work, especially global exercises, then move on to hill training and exercises that simulate key aspects of running, such as single leg lunges, bench climbs, small jumps to one leg in place and squats. Emphasize exercises with weight, which require coordination and in which there are phases of movement with one leg, to simulate running. It ends with eight weeks of explosive and plyometric work, multi-jumps, sprint snatches, jumps from a bench to the ground with a bounce on landing, side jumps, etc.


A common mistake of the "pro runner" is that he gets so hooked that he ends up competing every Sunday. It is clear that the competition hooks but you still have to control the popular competitions to which you sign up. You should not do more than two marathons a year (separated by at least four months), more than 6 half marathons (never more than one a month) and 10-12 10 km races (avoiding never competing two weeks in a row at full throttle)

Source: SportLife


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